Book Review: The Gathering Storm

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The Gathering Storm

Book Author: A Mohler
Review Author: Nelly
Darling Downs Free Reformed Church
Pro Ecclesia Bookshop

The Gathering Storm

When I was asked to write an article for this magazine, it was suggested to me to write something about the book  "The Gathering Storm"  by R Albert Mohler Jr.  ( Mr Mohler is the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in the USA.)  It was at least a year ago that I had read this book, yet I remembered clearly how I had enjoyed doing so. I have never attempted to do a book review, and I am somewhat hesitant to do so now.  I just don't think I could condense so many pages into a few paragraphs! 

Each chapter of this book seeks to reveal the gathering storm of the secular age and its consequences for every sphere of society. The gathering storm over our Western civilisation, the church, human life, marriage, family, gender and sexuality, religious liberty, the courts, the generational storm and the storm over the engines of culture are all addressed in this book.  Though the book is written by an American and is about American society and culture, one soon realises that satan's attacks on Christians are not restricted by international borders. As one reads this book, one sees clearly the wilful dechristianisation of our culture. The secular worldview is becoming increasingly hostile and intolerant of those who uphold a biblical worldview.  This should not surprise us. God Himself placed these opposing worldviews into society after the fall into sin. There would be enmity between the seed of the woman (the church) and the serpent, satan. Genesis 3:15. These are the two world views that have been at war with each other since sin entered the world. On the one hand, we have the secular worldview (without God), and as opposed to that, we have the biblical worldview. The first endeavours to seduce us onto the broad way into darkness.  It promises freedom and happiness.  But in reality, it leads to destruction. Eternal destruction. The alternative is a much narrower and more difficult path. Few will find it. Yet it will lead to light and life. Eternal life. Matthew 7:13-14.  We have God's Word as our GPS. We need to study His word faithfully and diligently. Not only do we need to know who our God is, but we also need to know who our enemy is.  God's word shows us His great love for us in giving His only beloved son to die for our sins. The more we learn about God, the more we will be filled with thankfulness and joy for the love and blessings He grants us.  But we still have our enemy, satan to contend with. The Bible teaches us that he is a murderer, a master of deception and the father of all lies.  Our sinful nature is not yet free of him, as we confess that by nature, we hate God and our neighbour.  He still remains our enemy and is at war with all who love and serve God. His influence reaches far and wide. When society removes God from all areas of life, the vacuum will soon be filled by satan and his dominion. There will be much corruption and lawlessness. Sin will be glorified. Good will become evil and evil good. ( just think of abortion and the LGBT...  movement). 

God's word warns us.  "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.... " 1 Peter 5:8.

With this in mind,  I strongly recommend reading this book. It will hopefully help one to obtain a better understanding of what is going on in our chaotic world. It also will hopefully equip us to recognise how deceptive our enemy really is. 

As far as I know, this book is available in our bookshop.