Book Review: What Jesus Did

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What Jesus Did

Book Author: Sinclair B Ferguson
Review Author: Ann
Byford Free Reformed Church
Pro Ecclesia Bookshop

What Jesus Did

Sinclair B Ferguson

2021/101 pages

Sinclair Ferguson is a Scottish theologian in Reformed Christian circles. For many years he was a Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia and at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas. Today he is still preaching as assistant minister at St Peter's Free Church of Scotland, Dundee. He has written many books, and contributed to many others.

One of his latest books is called 'What Jesus Did' and it's written for young children. In 31 separate devotions, the young reader is encouraged to spend time each day, meditating on the life of Jesus and focusing on events that are meaningful for the Christian believer.

Each meditation begins with a short prayer for God's nearness in learning and loving the Lord Jesus. Then there's a question, an introductory comment, some teaching and focus paragraphs followed by an application question or comment and finally a relevant prayer.

Some of the questions are: What did the shepherds do? Do you need a compass? Have you met the roaring lion? Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?

This little book may be used as a practical aid in encouraging and teaching young children how to start their own personal devotions, so that they may develop a personal relationship with their Saviour.

 In the conclusion Sinclair Ferguson suggests how the reader may progress to read their own the Bible, to learn about the love God has for His children. And he warns that simply reading the Bible doesn't make one a Christian. Children must also learn to know and trust the Lord Jesus for themselves so they may grow in faith. He says that this is the reason he wrote the book, and expresses the hope that this little book may assist them.

Ann Amoraal , Armadale

This book review was organised by Pro Ecclesia Bookshop in conjunction with Women’s League. This book is available from Pro Ecclesia bookshop, Armadale;  Providence Christian books, Albany; (and Rockingham on request).   Book reviews may also be accessed on our website