Book Review: Teach Them to WORK Building a Positive Work Ethic in our Children

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Teach Them to WORK Building a Positive Work Ethic in our Children

Book Author: Mary Beeke
Review Author: Hanna Bruning
Mundijong Free Reformed Church
Pro Ecclesia Bookshop

Teach Them to WORK

Building a Positive Work Ethic in our Children

By Mary Beeke

2021 / 175 pages

Mary Beeke writes this remarkable book “to encourage parents to require your children to work, and to give you ideas on how to accomplish this, so your children are ready to grasp adult responsibilities in society…

We can, we should, we must train our children to work”.


PART I:  Where else would one begin writing a book about WORK other than explaining the theology of work? Work began with God and is for God. Mary Beeke writes, “God invented work. He was the first one to work. In the span of six days, His words performed the amazing work of creating the heavens and the earth and all living things”. And God still works now. His work includes: upholding and governing the universe, saving sinners by His Son Jesus Christ, and renewing sinners by His Holy Spirit.

The author goes further to say, “God works, and we are called to work too”. He blessed each of us with abilities and talents, which give us joy and fulfilment when they are used in a profitable way. Yes, there is sweat and drudgery, but if we persevere, there are rewards in the end. God has redeemed, or bought back, the good things about work”. The book outlines four Scriptural principles relating to work:  all honourable work is sacred before God, God calls every person to their work, we are to be devoted to our work but not enslaved to it, and work is service to God and our neighbour.


With these principles in mind, we must teach our children to work from a young age. This will have a lifelong impact on their work and their entire being, says Mary Beeke. When children are included in the work activities of the family (everyone working together!), they have a sense of being needed and valued, which makes them feel worthwhile and happy. Additionally, work teaches children life skills, such as perseverance, diligence, concentration, working for a goal, obedience and self-discipline. Work is a wise use of time and gives families together time. Mary explains that “if we want to rear our children with a good work ethic, we need to aim for more than superficial behaviour. Our foundation must be built on the solid Rock, Jesus Christ, and on His teachings. It must be woven into our every thought, action, and word as we teach and work with our children. To teach children to work, our homes must have an atmosphere of love, encouragement and expectation. When parents exercise devotion to God, honesty, diligence, service, responsibility and commitment, their parenting is more effective in teaching their children to work”. Only God can help us through this. Only through His forgiving and gracious help, and His renewing work in us, can we work for Him, and use our gifts for His honour and glory and for our neighbour’s benefit. Beeke seeks to make this point abundantly clear.


PART II:  After laying out the very important, firm foundational principles of work, Mary Beeke then moves onto ‘what to do now’; practical advice for our everyday work life at home and out and about, with all its many challenges and joys. Beeke’s practical advice is so good;  it’s seasoned with experience and well worth reading! Some of her Part 2 Chapter titles are Let’s Go, With All Your Might, Time is a Treasure, Overcome Obstacles, Take Care of Your Stuff, Natural Consequences, and ending with a short but beautiful Chapter on Rest and Perfect Work. I leave the rest to your curiosity – get the book and explore it for yourself (and for your children!J)


Jesus said to His disciples, “My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17).  As image-bearers of God, let’s honour and praise Him by following His example. Our children are the next generation to serve the Church and the community, so let’s teach them to work! And whatever our work is, let’s pray, “Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Ps 90:17).


A book highly recommended!


Mary Beeke, is the wife Dr Joel Beeke, and is also a mother, grandmother, teacher, and has served as a registered nurse. 


Hanna Bruning, Mundijong