Book Review: Is God Anti-Gay?

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Is God Anti-Gay?

Book Author: Sam Allberry
Review Author: Elissa
Mundijong Free Reformed Church
Pro Ecclesia Bookshop

Is God Anti-Gay by Sam Allberry

2013 / 93 pages


In today's world, where values and lifestyles once condemned are openly encouraged and celebrated, Christians can find it difficult to navigate. One of the most contentious topics that divide the church and the world is that of our sexuality.  We might not always know how to engage with homosexuality as a concept and people who experience same-sex attraction. At times we may have questioned whether we can really oppose people who are in love and just express how they are made and if God, who is love, can really be anti-gay.

 As someone who confesses to battling same-sex attraction, Sam Allberry, a pastor, author and speaker, offers a unique perspective on the subject in his short, readable book called 'Is God anti-gay?' If you've ever struggled with feelings of disgust or hatred of those with same-sex attraction, or if you've experienced it yourself, the title of this book leads you straight to the crux of the matter. God's opinion is the only one that truly matters.

Allberry explains his heartfelt struggle with his desires, and how Scripture offered him fullness of life in God, forgiveness and deep, wonderful, life-changing love. Jesus' good news about his coming kingdom and his exhortation to 'Repent and believe' (Mark 1:14-15), are for everyone. He didn't divide humanity into categories and give them each a separate message. The author recognised his need to deny himself, as we all do, to take up his cross and follow Christ. Every Christian is called to costly sacrifice and must deny the deepest sense of who they are for the sake of Christ (Mark 8:34). Our lives are not our own but belong to Him. Allberry goes on to demonstrate through Scripture why homosexuality is clearly wrong in the eyes of God, not only because of what it actually says about the subject, but more importantly, what it does say about marriage and sexuality.  He writes about the purpose of marriage as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and His church, and how it shows God's unity of character - a unity centered on differences, not uniformity. He speaks of the struggles of loneliness, isolation and sexual temptation, but has a comforting message for those like him.  We can pray to God about any of the confusion or temptations we might face, as well as our sins. God does give help, we don't have to fulfil our mission on our own resources.

Instead, we are made new. In Christ, we are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). The author stresses how our sins and weakness do not define us. He urges people to seek the support of others, to share their burdens and so 'fulfil the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). The book also asks and answers many relevant and probing questions, such as 'Surely a same-sex partnership is ok if it's committed and faithful?', and 'But Jesus never mentions homosexuality, so how can it be wrong?' It also covers practical aspects of socialising with those experiencing same-sex attraction in a loving and supportive manner, within and outside the church.

So is God anti-gay? Read the book and find out. 

Elissa Plug, Mundijong

This book review was organised by Pro Ecclesia Bookshop in conjunction with Women’s League. This book is available from Pro Ecclesia bookshop, Armadale; Providence Christian books, Albany; (and Rockingham on request).   Book reviews may also be accessed on our website