Book Review: Still Thinking: more delightful doodles, and deep thoughts

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Still Thinking: more delightful doodles, and deep thoughts

Book Author: Jason Bouwman and friends
Review Author:
NONE Free Reformed Church
Pro Ecclesia Bookshop

187 pages / 2019

This creative, challenging, accessible, readable, godly book is quite hard to describe. Oh, sure, it’s easy to layer on the adjectives – it’s all that and more – but to describe what exactly it is? That’s hard because there’s nothing else like it.

Is it a devotional? It could sure be used as a great one. Each of the two-page spreads includes not only a powerful quote, thought-provoking word art, and insightful commentary, but a number of suggested Scripture texts. So this would be a fantastic way to regularly dig into God’s Word. With its many doodles, maybe we could describe it as a comic book of sorts. It’s also a coffee table book extraordinaire since it can be started anywhere. Each two-page spread stands on its own, so if you only have a couple minutes to read, this doesn’t require more. But I’ll bet you don’t just read one!. And as a discussion starter, it’s sure-fire. Read this around other people, and soon enough you’ll be reading sections out loud or passing it around for your spouse/friend/teen to check out one of the bits of word art.

It is certainly a book to be shared. My wife and I bought 10 of Jason Bouwman’s first book (the unfortunately sold out Just Thinking) and we’ve already ordered 10 of this, the sequel. It’s the rare book that can be given to your 70-something-year-old aunt for her birthday, and your 17-year-old nephew for his profession of faith, and that you can then be sure both will love, and actually read. How often do you find a one-size-fits-all present suitable for pastors, neighbours, parents, and your second cousin twice removed?

On top of that, it’s good for them. This is an accessible book, but it’s sure to challenge every reader at some point, reminding us of where we’re falling short, or just failing to even seek God’s glory at all. Quite the combination: enjoyable yes, but also edifying!

I can’t imagine anyone not loving Still Thinking. So pick up a copy (or ten) at Pro Ecclesia bookshop Armadale; Providence Christian books Albany; (and Rockingham on request). )

Jon Dykstra

 This book review first appeared in Reformed Perspective 23 September 2019. Web address  Now published with kind permission from the author.