
1.0 Name: The name of the organisation in Children Of Light Australia (COL).

2.0 Membership: Members and sponsors of the organisation are to be members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA). Donations may be received from any entity.

3.0 Aim: The aim of the organisation is to support needy families of the FRCA sister churches and close contact churches in Indonesia with education and health.

4.0 Committee:

  • The committee of the organisation shall consist of a minimum of four members of the FRCA.
  • The Chairman is elected from the members of the committee. Other committee functions shall be arranged by mutual agreement by the committee members.
  • Should a committee member retire, a letter of resignation shall be handed to the committee allowing enough time for finding a replacement and hand over. Upon resignation, the committee shall seek and replacement as soon as possible.

5.0 Voting: Voting on business matters shall be done verbally, when deadlock occurs, then the motion shall be rejected.

6.0 Treasurer: The treasurer shall compile an annual financial statement. Financial statements shall be sent out to sponsors at least biannually.

7.0 Audit: An Audit shall be done when deemed necessary by the COL committee or when at least five sponsors request and audit, giving their reasons in writing.

8.0 Meetings: The COL committee shall call a General Meeting when the committee considers this necessary. When at least five sponsors request a General Meeting, giving their reasons in writing, the committee must call a meeting.

9.0 Reports: The committee shall report activities of COL Australia at the General Meetings or by church publications

© Children of Light Australia 2016